We are introducing the faith promise for our Missions giving, this is something
Citywest has done in the past. We are doing it because alone we can do a little but
together we can take part in Kingdom Advancement through strategic relationships
around the world and in our own backyard.
A Faith Promise is a prayerful commitment that we make annually, over and above
our tithe and general offerings with the specific purpose of accomplishing our vision
in missions. We make this commitment with willing hearts and the faith that God will
provide the means for us to give this offering over the course of the year. A Faith
Promise offering can be given weekly, monthly or as a one-time gift.
We set our missions budget off the commitments that the members of our church
This is the reason that we ask you to put your name on the card so that we know it is
a genuine commitment.
Only a small number of people see this card so we can add the figures up and verify
that they are legitimate.
At no point will you be contacted and personally asked to give what you have
committed in your Faith Promise. It is a faith commitment between you and God.
A Faith Promise is a thoughtful, heartfelt commitment to contribute to the missions
work that we do as a church. It keeps missions from being something that we do as
an afterthought but rather as a key part of each of our lives.
The Scripture which defines this best is 2 Corinthians 9:7-9 NLT:
You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or
in response to pressure. “For God loves a person who gives cheerfully.” And God will
generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and
plenty left over to share with others. As the Scriptures say, “They share freely and
give generously to the poor. Their good deeds will be remembered forever.”
Spend time in prayer, asking God what He would have you give. After you pray,
thoughtfully ask yourself these three questions:
What can I give?
If I put this in my budget, what can I afford to give?
What can I give up?
Maybe there are some “wants” I can lay aside?
And if I add my faith to it?
What can I believe God to provide?
As you take time to pray, we believe that God will speak to you and help you to
stretch your faith to see His Kingdom advance in this year ahead.
Check out the missions work we are supporting this year as a church.